Yoga in the Park with Katie
When Katie and I first met to discuss ideas for a yoga photo shoot, we settled on Meridian Hill Park as the location. Shooting outdoors can be incredibly risky—and rewarding. You relinquish a good amount of control, particularly over the weather and lighting. Lucky for us, the day of our shoot ended up being a beautiful, overcast fall day. Diffused natural lighting FTW!
A happy accident occurred when we thought it might be cool to take a few pictures of Katie doing some poses on the wall overlooking the water fountain. When I took a test shot, I realized that the cloudy sky of this overcast day had essentially formed a solid white background. The sky was my white seamless. Well, okay…
We settled on the more…stable poses for this setting, given the drop below.
We also found some killer light just from the sun. Paired with Katie's killer strength, holding this pose (mad props to her for maintaining the pose while I made sure I got the shot just right):
As usual, when we wrapped up shooting, the lighting and backdrop got more amazing, so I unpacked my gear and Katie rolled out her mat for a few last shots.
You can follow Katie on Twitter and be sure to check out her blog, DC Yogi.